31 Voices of Prayer – Day 21

Day 21

Forgiveness Prayer for Women

How many of us struggle with self- forgiveness? I know I have struggled with this over the years. I am getting better at being quick to forgive myself in the light of God’s love for me.It doesn’t stop there, because scripture says ;

” If we confess our sins. He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

 1 John 2 v9 NKJV

There is hope in the struggle.

I came across the following prayer, for women*, in my search for prayers of forgiveness.  This prayer reflects the tensions within us, that so often keep us from the freedom of forgiving  ourselves. I will only  include the first and last stanza of the prayer.

Forgiveness Prayer for Women*

I forgive myself, for condemning myself,

For putting myself down,

Thinking less of me, self-hatred, and all negativity.

I forgive myself for constantly trying for perfection,

Trying to be superwoman,

Trying to answer everyone’s  problems,

For relying on myself rather than You.

_ _ _ _ _

I forgive myself for wanting control,

For pride, vanity, gossip, slander and attention getting.

For not taking care of myself, not eating right,

Not exercising when I should,

Not cherishing the temple You gave me.

I forgive myself for hurting You and hurting others,

Not accepting You as my Lord, my  God and my Saviour.


by Rita Mcarthy

I can see myself in this prayer, how about you?

* To read full version of the Prayer for Women, please go to;  www.ritamcarthy.com/images

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